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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where do I get the data for each parameter while evaluating the components?

After you have spoken to the EPC, kindly ask him for the technical datasheets of the components he suggests. Scan through the entire document and choose relevant selection for questions corresponding to each component.

Do find an illustration of how to use the tool below:

While using the “Panels” page, you may have to select the choices in the drop down by comparing the parameters (the questions) against what is given in the technical datasheet for it.

Solar Panel

Here is a sample datasheet of a solar panel:
Corresponding questions in the page for panels:


Similarly find an illustration for the inverter section:
Corresponding questions in the page for inverters:


For the cables section also the illustration has been provided below:
Corresponding questions in the page for cables:

For Mounting Structures, with respect to each question, kindly find answers from the structure supplier directly since mounting structures are customised for each plant.

  1. What if I am not able to get the data for some parameters from the data sheets?

In this case, do check with your vendor or system integrator for the same. He should be able to supply this. In rare cases, the system integrator himself might not have it readily and might have to obtain it from elsewhere, so just be persistent.

  1. I am not yet at a stage where I will be selecting the components. Can I still use the evaluation section?

Don’t worry, you can still use the tool to simulate what could be the results if you were to go for certain options. You can still use the tool to know how the performance and cost will be affected if various conditions are not met and understand what are the critical parameters to look for to ensure optimum performance.

  1. Will it be only the small solar power plant developers who would benefit from the evaluation?

While we expect the evaluation section to be used by both small and large solar power plant developers, it will be of much higher value to the small farm developers and rooftop solar power investors, as these segments do not have access to technical expertise for evaluating the components of the solar power plant.

  1. Do the users require any technical background to use the evaluation section?

While a number of technical parameters are used for evaluation of components, the user only needs to make simple selections for these parameters, based on data easily available in the data sheets or supplied by the vendor.

We estimate that it will not take more than 30 minutes for a non-expert user to understand the tool and complete an evaluation.

  1. Will it be easy for a user to find the details for the various parameters you have used in the evaluation?

Yes. Most of the parameters used in this section are easily available in data sheets supplied by the component vendors. For details not available in the data sheets, the EPC or system integrator can supply the user with the data within a short time.

  1. You have mentioned benchmarks in the tool for performance, electricity generation and costs. What are these benchmarks for?

Benchmark-based increases are provided for Overall Performance, Likely Generation Increase and Likely Cost Increase. These benchmarks refer to the following:

Benchmark Performance – This refers to the performance of a component with least favorable choices on all parameters (performance is an indicator of both qualitative aspects such as reliability and quantitative aspects such as electricity generation.)

Benchmark Generation – Benchmark generation is the electricity generation of a component with the least favorable choices on all the parameters.

Benchmark Cost –Benchmark cost of the component if the cost of a component with the least favorable choice for all the parameters.

  1. Why is evaluation of components needed when many brands already have certifications from reputed organizations such as IEC?

While certifications such as those from IEC are necessary for good quality solar components, they alone cannot assure high reliability and high electricity generation.

In addition to the certifications, many parameters used here will be instrumental in determining a superior performance and higher electricity generation.

One can hence say that the existing certifications are necessary, but not sufficient enough for high quality solar power plants.
